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發布時間:2022-09-23 17:36:31

Ⅰ 三種駕駛模式英文翻譯是什麼

三種駕駛模式英文翻譯是Three driving modes。











Ⅱ 英語steer a vehicle怎麼翻譯

英語steer a vehicle意思為駕駛車輛


音標:英[stɪə(r)] 美[stɪr]


v. 駕駛(船、汽車等); 掌控方向盤; 行駛; 操縱; 控制; 引導;

n. 閹公牛; 肉用公牛;




Ⅲ 駕駛用英語怎麼說

駕駛的英文單詞是drive,讀音為英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv]。具體釋義如下:

drive 英 [draɪv] 美 [draɪv]

1、動詞 v.驅動;開車;駕駛;迫使



2、名詞 n.驅動器;驅車旅行;驅動力;車道





If you drink, don't drive.


2、用作及物動詞S+drive+ n./pron.

He drives a taxi.


3、用作賓補動詞S+drive+ n./pron. + adj.

You drive me mad when you say that.









2、drive也可作「傳動」「驅動」「驅動機構」解,引申表示「運動」,指團體為某項特別目的而做的有計劃的努力,主要用於美式英語,英式英語常用campaign, 3、drive在美式英語中也可作「進攻」「攻勢」解,英式英語表示此義則用offensive。

4、drive表示「人類基本的慾望或本能的要求」時,可用作可數名詞,也可用作不可數名詞; 引申表示「干勁」「積極性」「能動性」時,為不可數名詞。


Ⅳ 開小汽車的英語怎麼讀

Drive a car.簡單翻譯過來就是這么一個句子,都是一些很容易理解的詞彙。

Ⅳ 我想知道自動擋的汽車是怎麼駕駛的,它的英語字母各代表什麼意思P、R、N、D,S

p 駐車 R 倒車 N 空檔 D 前進擋 S(sports)運動擋

Ⅵ 駕駛的英文是什麼


駕駛的英文單詞1: drive

駕駛的英文單詞2 :pilot


drive something home

1. 見 home

let drive

1. (用拳、導彈)打,攻擊;抨擊

what someone is driving at

1. 要說的話,意指


I don't understand what you're driving at.

drive at

1. 要做或說


I don't understand what you're driving at.


1. I don't drive and the buses are quite hopeless.


2. There are certain things he does that drive me mad.


3. The ANC is about to launch a nationwide recruitment drive.


4. Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive.


5. The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes' drive away.


6. It is a sensuous but demanding car to drive.


7. Matthew had no drive. He coasted along on his good looks.


8. He was nearly three times over the drink drive limit.


9. I'll drive you back to your hotel later. It's no bother.


10. Every summer the shepherds drive the sheep up to pasture.


11. I had to drive eight miles at rush hour.


12. I used a sledgehammer to drive the pegs into the ground.


13. You can store your entire CD collection on the computer's hard drive.


14. Sometimes they just drive slowly down the lane enjoying the scenery.


15. More than anything, I'd like to drive around the world.


1. The minutes towards departure ticked by, until finally the pilot arrived.


2. The pilot wisely decided to return to Farnborough post haste.


3. How does a private pilot get access to the airways?


4. The service is being expanded following the success of a pilot scheme.


5. Luke sat directly behind the pilot and conversed with him.


6. He was once described as a fussily accurate test pilot.


7. The pilot told the control tower that he'd run into technical trouble.


8. The pilot throttles back slightly to maintain level flight.


9. Tomorrow he would tell his pilot to get the aircraft ready.


10. He was the very model of the dashing RAF pilot.


11. The pilot struggled out of the wreck almost uninjured.


12. The airport ground crew tried to dissuade the pilot from taking off.


13. The pilot ejected from the plane and escaped injury.


14. The pilot was seriously injured and the co-pilot took over.


15. He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot.


Ⅶ 汽車英文





automobile accident汽車事故

Guangzhou Automobile廣州汽車 ; 廣汽集團 ; 廣州汽車工業集團

tourist automobile旅遊汽車 ; 觀光車

4、例句:Someof thebrightestinventorsconverge attheseautomobileconventions.







compact car緊湊型轎車 ; 小型車 ; 中級轎車

Car body[車輛]車身 ; 轎車車身 ; 車體 ; 汽車車身

remoulded car改裝的汽車 ; 改型汽車 ; 改造的汽車 ; 改革的汽車

4、例句:He made his way into the dining car for breakfast.


Ⅷ 駕駛公共汽車英語

Drive a bus駕駛公共汽車
a bus driver公共汽車駕駛員

Ⅸ 用英語寫一段怎樣駕駛汽車

The following steps are designed for a manual transmission, for it is somewhat harder
Pulling Off: With the car at a standstill, press the clutch all the way down. Shift in 1st by moving the gearshift lever towards you (for a left side driver) and forward. Apply some throttle and slowly release the clutch. The car will start moving before the clutch is fully released and begin to accelerate as you release the clutch. The more you release the clutch, the more throttle you need to apply. The faster you do the releasing, the more throttle you should apply initially. Flooring the accelerator and letting your foot off the clutch will result either in a wheelspin (for high-powered cars), or in the engine going out.
Upshift: Upshift refers to changing to a higher gear, e.g. 1st to 2nd or 2nd to 3rd. Since you're reading this, apparently you're learning, so don't fool around with late shifts like racers do.
The big question is when to shift. Each piston engine has certain RPM at which it yields the most power (it is not when the accelerator is down to the floor, speed and power are to different things). For gasoline engines the higher output is between 3000 and 4000 RPM and for diesel engines it's between 2000 and 3000 RPM. As you pull off (see above) the engine will soon spin up. When you're in the middle of the most efficient engine mode (i.e. approx. 3500 RPM for gasoline and 2500 RPM for diesels), the time has come to shift. Press the clutch all the way down smoothly but quickly, at the same time removing your right foot from the accelerator. While the clutch is between "CONNECTED" (released) and "DISCONNECTED" (pressed) it only transmits a fraction of the engine's torque. The more you press it, the less torque it transmits. When you release the accelerator, the engine will slow down to idle, but it takes time. During the process the clutch should remain in a middle position. This sounds complex, but it actually takes only half a second. The point is not to press the clutch too sharply or too slowly. Holding the clutch, shift from one gear to another. All cars have their forward gears in the same place, so just take a look at the lever knob. Do the shifting with a minimum of force. If the shift requires excessive force to complete either you're not doing it right, or the transmission needs some serious work. After you complete the shift repeat the same process as if you are pulling off from a standstill (lightly step on the gas and smoothly release the clutch.
Since no one can match the rev of the engine andthe speed of the wheels failing to give some initial throttle will result in the car sharply slowingdown and then sharply accelerating as you step on the accelerator. Sudden releasing of the clutch will either make your car jerk, or will stop your engine.
) Downshift: Downshift means switching to a lower gear, i.e. 4th to 3rd. You do that in two cases:
a) You need to slow down, so as the speed decreases, you need to downshift, or
b)You want to maintain your current speed, but need more power for quicker acceleration, e.g. when overtaking.
Depending on the case there are two ways of downshifting
a) Press the clutch and release the accelerator as if upshifting. If necessary, apply some brake to decrease your speed enough. Shift into the lower gear. If the speed is higher than the RPM of the engine, it will serve as a brake. Release the clutch smoothly but quickly, then apply some accelerator or brake as the need might be. Downshifting is an effective way of decreasing your speed, especially on wet or icy roads. Moreover, on wet or icy roads it's highly recommended to use downshift to slow down (at a stoplight for example) and deploy your brake when the car is in 2nd with the engine at idle. This slows you down without turning the car into a sleigh.
b) Repeat the same steps as in point a), but before releasing the clutch press the accelerator until the engine spins at the approximate RPM corresponding to your current speed at the lower gear. Of course no one can match it exactly, but a little higher RPM is better than somewhat lower.
Remember the basic principles of gearshifting:
The slower you go, the lower gear you need and vice-versa
The speed at a certain gear when the engine is in the optimal RPM band is the speed at which the engine will be idle at the higher gear.
Never look at your RPM gauge when shifting! With the minimum of practice you'll be able to tell the RPM by only listening to the engine and you'll know when it's time to shift. Your eyes should be on the road!
Never downshift 2nd to 1st! If you need to use 1st, STOP THE CAR, THEN PULL OFF
Normal stopping: Press the brake continuously, but not all the way down. No matter the gear, do not tamper with the gearbox until you hear the engine fade out. Then press the clutch, shift into neutral and finalize your stopping. If for some reason you have to continue before fully stopped, make a decision as to which gear you should shift (preferably the one that requires lower RPM), and shift in it as if you are upshifting for the gear with the lower RPM, or downshifting type (b) for the higher RPM gear.
Emergency stopping: Forget about the gears. Press the brake quickly, but not sharply. Do not floor the brake pedal, it will lock your wheels and decrease your braking efficiency. Do not turn the steering wheel, especially on a front-wheel-drive cars. If your wheels lock, slightly release the pedal. On wet or icy roads try quick "kicks" on the brake rather than pressing and holding it. If you feel that you can't stop in time, RELEASE THE BRAKE BEFORE TURNING THE WHEEL!!! This will keep you from starting a slide ring which you will be unable to control the car. Even worse, if you start a slide, your car will keep moving towards the obstacle sideways. In city conditions, if you need to swerve, go left!
Remember: It's better to take your car on an empty lot and practice emergency stopping in a non-emergency situation, than waiting for the real thing. Practicing can be fun and, contrary to common beliefs, is not likely to inflict any damage on your car.
This should give you an idea how to get your car moving. Don't forget that becoming a driver requires practice, not reading websites. The real driving is not about HOW to do, but about WHAT to do.
When you begin your practicing, be calm and most of all -- enjoy yourself! Driving is not an exact science, so not doing things the exact way your teacher does does not necessarily mean you're doing it wrong. As time passes you'll build your own habits.

Ⅹ 開汽車用英語怎麼說

drive a car
希望能幫到你! 望採納~ 精~~~~~銳



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