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發布時間:2024-05-05 12:35:56

㈠ 工業繁榮的翻譯,怎麼用英語翻譯工業迅速發展,工業

[詞典] [經] instrial boom;
Organized waste among consumers is the first condition of our instrial prosperity.

㈡ 工業化英語

工業化英語是:instrialization; instrialize




㈢ 工業的英語


英[ˈɪndəstri] 美[ˈɪndəstri]

[詞典] instry;


Only when agriculture is fully developed can instry have sufficient materials andmarkets

㈣ 涓婚樼彮浼氾細鎴戝浗鏄鍚﹀簲璇ュぇ鍔涘彂灞曟苯杞﹀伐涓氳嫳璇浣滄枃

Should our country make a great effort in car instry development?
By now , more and more people own at least one car , that makes our country demand a great deal of cars. But we Chinese still donot have enough high technology to proce a car, even some kinds of cars are made by our car instries themselves, some of thoes technologies are perchased from other countries. We have to pay much more to get a car than other countries who have their own Independent intellectual property rights.
Recently, our country has been developping in car instry, especially in that with independent intellectual property rights. And our country made it, such as BYD, Great Wall, Chery,Fiat and so on. But we still cannot proce a senior car like BMW and Benze. If someone wants to buy a senior car, he or she have to buy the import car, and it will spend a lot of money.
By considerring that, I Think our country should make a great effort in car instry, for there are so many costumers in our country, if we have a kind of car or even kinds of cars well-konwed by all over the world, we will be very proud of our country and we never need to by an import car, that will save a lot of money. And we'll have much more money to develop the quality of our lives.

㈤ 鍙戝睍鑻辮鎬庝箞璇

vt. & vi.
寮鍙, 鍙戝睍
This has made it necessary for agriculture and instry to develop very quickly.
We must do our best to develop the national economy.
We are developing nuclear weapons to do away with such weapons.
(浣)鎴愰暱, (浣)鍙戣偛, (浣)鍙戣揪
A child develops rapidly between the ages of 13 and 16.
Warm rains and summer suns develop the plants.

㈥ 工業發展用英語怎麼說

[詞典] instrial development;
He said the overvaluation of sterling was throttling instry



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